Nonzero Chance
Development Blog

A Mountain of Software I’ve Never Heard Of
I just keep adding to the filters of the job ad filter program I wrote to minimize the noise in my jobsearch. I've got more than 300 regexes just for software packages and platforms I don't know…

Learning JavaScript: 73% Complete; but More Books Ahead
I’m most of the way through Eloquent JavaScript; I’m on the exercises in chapter 16. At the same time I don’t think I’ll be fully up to speed after just 1 book. I have a book on HTML & CSS queued…

Learning JavaScript: 52% Complete
I’ve gotten as far as Chapter 11 in the Eloquent JavaScript book, though I haven’t completed the exercises. So far I’d give the book ★★★☆☆. He certainly could’ve gone into more detail in places. I’ve…

Learning JavaScript from a Book + Virtual Flashcards
The best thing I can do with my time is learn a new language, I think. I’m going through hundreds if not over 1000 job ads every day; the #1 language I see among the ads I don’t qualify for is JavaScript…

A Title-Casing Utility that Correctly Lowercases Certain Words
So I decided to polish the titlecasing utility I wrote and open-source it. Since it’s ideal for being incorporated into a much larger program I released it into the public domain using The Unlicense…

Where to Go from Here
Finally finished work on my webspider, arachnea¹, just as I came to the end of needing to use it daily: I reached my newest goal for mastodon accounts followed, >400. Now I need to figure out where to…

Where Python 3.10’s := Operator Can Be Used
Today I learned how the walrus operator works. I had assumed it could be placed anywhere within an expression; that was incorrect. It can’t be used within an expression. Its proper place is outside…

Python 3.10’s Match/Case Statement
I finally found a use case for python 3.10's new match/case statement. (I just wanted to try it out.) The use case is a trivial one; I’m just using it to pick between different print() statements…

Using R for the First Time in Awhile
I’ve been logging my weight daily in a notepad file on my phone. I started at the end of January, and it’s the 1st of the month, so I thought I’d take February’s data and see what I could make of it…

Returning to My Webspider
So I’m returning to a 900+ sloc python program with no comments that I haven't used for months, and whose behavior and architecture I no longer have any familiarity. I just need to pick it back up…